Off The Record: Marketing Deconstructed

Ep 2: Meet the 5 & Rise Team

July 02, 2024 5 & Rise Marketing Solutions Episode 2

5 & Rise Marketing Groups Founder & CEO Jennifer White introduces her newly assembled marketing team as they experience exponential growth. Specializing in adaptability over a narrow focus, the team discusses their backgrounds, roles, and the philosophy behind their approach to marketing. 

With insights into the value of storytelling in brand building and a commitment to diverse skill sets, this round table session offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the team operates, highlighting their strategies for growth, scalability, and client service. Team members Cassidy, Kirk, and Shawn share their varied experiences and how they contribute to the team's dynamic approach to meeting the unique needs of their clients.

00:00 Building a Versatile Marketing Team: The Vision
00:32 Introducing the Five and Rise Podcast
01:45 Behind the Scenes: The Team's Journey and Skills
06:31 The Philosophy of Adaptability and Growth
10:41 Crafting Unique Stories in Marketing
12:28 Looking Forward: Growth, Team Expansion, and Sharing Success


About 5 & Rise Marketing Solutions
Our team has been in the marketing game for a combined 5 decades, and we’ve seen it all. From crafting killer ads to building standout brands, managing social media like pros, and creating captivating content, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re a startup dreaming big, a seasoned business ready to expand, or an organization looking to make waves online, we’re here to help you grow.

We’ve worked across a wide range of industries, from real estate to nonprofits, tech startups to sports, and everything in between. Wherever you are, we’ll meet you there, bring our strategic know-how to the table, and rise together.

And hey, we’re not just keeping up with the trends—we’re setting them. Join the journey.

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Hey everyone. Welcome in to Off the Record Marketing Deconstructed, where a small marketing agency takes you behind the scenes and allows you to listen to their conversations about how they build brand awareness and excite growth for the brands and clients that they serve. On today's episode, we're going to introduce you to the team and allow you the first look behind the scenes of a growing marketing agency, how they got together, and what they do. I really wanted to do is build a team that wasn't so specialized in one thing, but was a special. I feel like you're really looking for people who are adaptable and willing to try different Really, like from college, I was like, social media is the way that we all connect. There's a difference between a desire to scale and scalability. Those things do not necessarily happen. I'm Jennifer White. Thank you for joining our Five and Rise podcast. Today, we are starting something new. Pretty amazing. I think from a podcast standpoint, I'm here with my team, which we newly assembled a few months ago as we were experiencing pretty amazing exponential growth. And we decided that one of the things that would be interesting for people to hear and listen and learn about marketing is kind of some behind the scenes. It's like. How we communicate, how we talk, how we build brands. We were sitting at a few tables the other day in our coworking space. And we were talking about a QR code and I won't share a lot of that conversation because it could actually grow into something bigger. But, um, it was, I said, we should be taping this because the conversation around marketing and building a brand and doing something with what we're doing would be interesting to people that are getting into marketing and want to learn. About how to do things and what we do. A lot of people think that what we do is just the visible side of things, but there's a lot of strategy behind the scenes. So, um, this is kind of what we thought we'd introduce our podcast as a behind the scenes round table about marketing. So, so I'll introduce my team. We have Sean Chambers. We have Cassidy Jordan and Kirk Eby. So, um, so let me just kind of start with you, Sean. Tell me a little bit about what you do, how you got here, where you came from. I've made all of it up to this point. It feels like I, uh, I'm, I'm kind of the one person on the team that, uh, does a little bit of everything. And it just my, my to do list right now. It's, it's got elements of graphic design of, of, of podcast audio. There's some writing pieces. Um, a little bit of everything and video production. Yeah, but that kind of speaks to my background. My background is actually in professional and college sports, and, uh, you know, contrary to popular belief at least at the lower levels of college and professional sports, there's not a ton of money and resources to go around, at least not the places that I, uh, worked at. And so you kind of had to, uh, to, To figure out how to do what I've done everything from using trash cans as tripods for video production to, uh, you know, to all the kind of MacGyver situations, right? To try to create good content. So, um, that's self taught and everything because of that. Right? So I think I don't know that I'm an expert in anything, but for the most part, I'm very confident in our ability to do all types of content and all types of good content, regardless of whatever the situation is that we're in. I love it. That's why you're on the team. Welcome to five and rise. All right, Cassidy. Let's hear your story. Hi everyone. I'm Cassidy Jordan. Um, I on the five and rise team, I do a lot of social media side of things and then some project management things, um, along the way as well. Um, really Social media is kind of what has like brought me to marketing. Um, when I went to college, I knew it was business, but I didn't know where in business, um, uh, my dad would bring home his briefcase, um, every day. And I was like, that's what I want to do. I want a briefcase. Um, I don't have a briefcase to this day. Um, but that was kind of the inspiration for me. Um, and. Really? Like from college, I was like, social media is really the way that we all connect. And I was like, I want to be able to share people's stories because, um, there are so many great stories and great businesses and great people, um, in our world that, Their stories aren't always able to be told, um, or they're not able to tell it in the right way. So, like, sharing that through social media is something that I'm super passionate about, and I love being able to do that for all of our clients. Um, and then also, like, the relationship side of things with project management and account management. Really enjoy that and just like being able to work with all of the variety of our clients. We have chiropractors, we have investment firms, we have a technology company. So just a variety of people, but then also businesses and social media. Love that. Thanks Cassidy. I'm glad you're here. All right, Kirk. Hello. I am Kirk Eby. Uh, the, the main thing I take care of here, uh, or at least what my job title, um, expresses is, uh, is, is, is not technology. Don't let anybody fool you on that. It's just paid media. So anything with ads on a meta, uh, if we ever go to Twitter for paid ads, uh, LinkedIn, Google, um, that's what's going to be my bread and butter. Um, but as Sean said, right now, we've just had some, you know, I didn't expect to come in as partial copywriter for some things, um, and doing some things like that, but it's, it's been fun just getting to Put my hand in a little bit of, uh, every, you know, bowl that we're, we're working with. So, um, that's fun. Uh, my background, I worked for a, uh, large pool franchise, uh, company, uh, for the corporate end of it. And I managed all the, the paid media for them. So I, this is a lot less hectic as far as who we have to work with. I'm not getting, uh, you know, calls every day from, you know, a dozen different places and trying to figure out, you know, which pool company with the same name is having this problem and, uh, everything like that. So, uh, it's, it's been fun and definitely been a really, really enjoyable change of pace coming to work in this environment. That's awesome. Um, I'm glad you're with our team too. What's the one thing that I. If you guys can remember, what did I share with you? Like the reason that I, I brought you three in particular onto our team. What was I looking for? Do you remember what that was? I figured like if we're talking about podcasts, since I kind of went from consulting to overnight, kind of a big growing digital marketing company and needed to hire a team really quick. What, do you remember what I said to you about what kind of team I wanted to hire? I feel like you're really looking for people who are adaptable and willing to try different things. Like you, you said that you're going to hire us for a specific job. Uh, but there is definitely going to be a lot of room for growth and a lot of room to try new things and, um, learn from each other as far as what we're all doing. Yeah, that's one thing. There was a, there was a, um, For me, at least, right? And I assume that the process was different for each of us, right? But, but for me, at least the one thing that I took away was, um, there was the growth piece, but there was a process to that growth, right? I, I've always, I've always said, and some of the more kind of corporate roles that I had, there's a difference between a desire to scale and scalability. Right. And, and those things do not necessarily happen at the same time. And so I think it was, it was, you know, you, you, you, I, one of the things I, I definitely remember is you kind of had this big binder portfolio type thing, and you were like, look, this is, these are the numbers and this is what I want to do. And this is right. Like it was like very clear that you had given it some thought. And so I think that it was, um, what I took away from that is that you were really looking for people. Uh, that that would, uh, identify with with these different strategies, right, and find themselves in a specific role within that to be able to accomplish the, the, the objectives that you had for, for the business and for us about you cast. I feel like I remember you mentioning, like, personality, like, wanted to make sure that, like, we were not only, you know, we have a diverse. Like skill set because I think that is the one thing that all three of us have in common Is that you know, we have our specialties, but we're all willing to you know Kind of dig deep and do what needs to be done because from that marketing level or that marketing agency level We have a variety of clients and a variety of different needs from those clients Um, so then coming to us and saying, Oh, well, I need this or I need this being able to be like, yeah, one of us will get it taken care of no matter what. Yeah, that's absolutely it. As I was putting together this company and trying to figure out how to grow, we were looking at, I look at so many marketing firms. I've come from marketing firms that I've worked at. I've been CMO at marketing agencies. I've been in marketing at corporate, what is it, 100 companies. Um, And fortunately, 100 companies and everything that has transpired in the last 10 or 15 years of specialization. And one of the things that I really wanted to do is build a team that wasn't so specialized in one thing, but was a specialized in all things so that together we could get more done. And that we were building an agency that everybody felt. That they could take pride in ownership in versus, um, just feeling like they were stuck in one particular area. And so that's kind of what my goal is as we grow the company and as we do more things and our niche isn't necessarily the type of clients that we work with, but our niche is the is what how we do what we do. It allows us to do it for more clients and more types of businesses and help them grow and become the best that they can and elevate their brand. And so I think from that standpoint, we're a good start of a team that can do that and can jump in and, and help where we are needed and learn from each other as along the way. Right. Do you guys remember, this has maybe been about 10 years ago or so. Do you remember the, um, The, I think it was New York that started like the people of New York trend type of thing where it was, you know, these, these, yeah, or humans of New York. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I, it's, it's probably expanded and I'm sure there's one for every, every major city, but I think that kind of started the trend at least, uh, and, and in my opinion, and I was a young buck at that point, right? So I might not have been the most perceptive to a young buck, but an old soul, my wife, I'm like five years from retirement. At least inside, that would be me, but I think that kind of started the trend of like, everyone has a story, right? It doesn't. And not only that, but it's a unique story, right? You know, we, we, whether you're a realtor or, or, you know, a business coach, or it doesn't matter what you do, right? But you have a unique story that is worth telling that, uh, is a part of how, you know, Your business operates right? And more importantly, that that's people want to hear that story now for a million different reasons, right? People want to hear that story. And so, so we have to find a way to to create that uniqueness in every individual. Right? And I think that that's a, I would say that that's a, it almost makes our job easier to some extent, right? And being able to stand out and crowded industries. So, so, so I think we can use that to our, our advantage. Um, but it's, it's, it's finding those stories and telling those stories and finding ways to get those stories To the right audience and, but, but it's that uniqueness, right. That I think is, has, has evolved over the course of the past decade or so. Right. And has kind of, um, uh, that's how, that's how we, I think, do, do our work, right? That's how, how we kind of interject ourselves in different industries. Yeah. Yeah. I'm really excited. I'm excited to what we can do. I'm excited to more grow. I'm excited to add additional people to the team eventually, not, I don't want to grow so big. You guys kind of know that I think we can do a lot of things with what we have, but, um, and I'm excited to share what we do with people, like how, how we do marketing and who we do marketing with and how we help businesses grow. And share their stories across the universe. So I look forward to doing more of our round table, open discussions about marketing as we, um, launch our five and rise podcast. Thanks guys. Thank you for listening to today's episode of off the record marketing deconstructed, if you would like more information about our team, you can follow us on social media at five and rise. Or you can visit our website at fiveandrise. com. We invite you to share, subscribe, and leave us a review and tune in to our next episode.

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